Supplying mechanical parts for the Vending market, be it vending machines or coffee machines, implies specific knowledge regarding the machinability and other peculiarities of each material.
This knowledge, along with the compliance to food-related international norms, guarantee for the quality and safety of Brembomatic’s products. Additionally, our openness to the clients’ needs is the key to long-term profitable business relations.
The food industry represents a highly complex market, within which Brembomatic proves itself as a valuable supplier, thanks both to the guarantee of high-quality products and to the openness to dialogue with our clients.
Experience and care are key factors when approaching the clients’ requests. Our goal is the productive optimization of every article we manufacture, in order to cut down waste, without ever sacrificing the parts’ design’s functionality. Brembomatic’s service is driven by the principle of optimization throughout all of our processes. A huge building block of this is the Kanban way: exactly the right amount of raw material is purchased, in order to supply the client with exactly the right amount of parts. Tangible advantages troughout the business are a consequence of this.
Upon clients’ request, we offer safety stock services, which means our clients can keep a manageable warehouse value, while still being able to rapidly call in goods in case of emergencies.
Flexible production batches and normative support are further qualities, which represent an advantage for clients in the vending market.
As a supplier of mechanical parts for the vending market, Brembomatic has deep knowledge of materials and their properties. The approach to production is defined by the principles of World Class Manufacturing, which means constant improvement throughout.
Our highly trained purchase department has knowledge on all materials which are used in contact with foods (Stainless steels, aluminum, low-lead brass and thermal resistant plastics). The collaboration with certified suppliers allows us to complete our products with any kind of surface coating (chrome/nickel-plating, de-leading of brass parts).
This knowledge has been built through experience, and is constantly updated via courses.
Brembomatic manufactures products which are compliant to the international norms regarding material in contact with food.
Specific tests, which can be carried out by external labs, guarantee for it. All processes throughout the business are executed in such a way, that compliance to Reach/Rohs, NSF, FDA and MOCA is guaranteed in the end product.
Openness, passion and vision are starting conditions and represent values, which allow us to grow with our customers.
All Vending related companies which we support by manufacturing parts for machines or the after sales are a part of this growth. Day after day, we share knowledge and challenges with these companies.